Explore our Campaigns

The Plant Stanley Society supports research and creative effort in all different aspects of aquatic conservation and biological design. This research is distributed through our multimedia PSS Campaigns. Browse below to see some of our upcoming and current campaigns.

Plant Stanley Magazine

Plant Stanley Magazine is the flagship of the PSS, a periodic publication of science journalism, essays, art, and other explorations of aquatic life, ecology, and its intersection with human culture.

Next issue:

The Edible Aquarium (coming soon)

green trees beside river during daytime
green trees beside river during daytime

The Borrowed Aquascape

Habitatscaping and biotopescaping--creating aquaria, vivaria, riparia, and paludaria modeled after nature, and based on the behavior and natural history of inhabitants--is the greatest challenge in the aquatic hobby. The Borrowed Aquascape Series presents collections of habitatscape guides, exploring the species and features that occur together in some of the world's most important and interesting natural habitats.

Molly Mallet

& the Ichthyorevolutionaries

From illustrator Nicole Coats and writer Micah Issitt comes a tale of revolution in the fishtank. Mollinesia "Molly" Mallet and her team of freedom fighters struggle to rescue imperiled guppies in a society dominated by a cruel fascist goldfish and his business cronies. Definitely not a metaphor for what would happen if a fake businessman who got famous because of a garbage television program became a dominant political agent in a failing society.